The UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Let's create a safe world for our children

The world’s leaders have agreed upon 17 SDGs to fight world poverty and create a more equal world. The SDGs are an ambitious plan, and the goals are to be met by 2030. The SDGs are of course a plan that BabyDan will work as hard as we can to realise - our children must have a safe, healthy and beautiful planet to grow up in and live on.

The best plan in the world

BabyDan is inspired and motivated by the UN’s 17 SDGs. We want to be part of the solution when it comes to bringing the world on the right track with sustainable products and production processes.

We have selected three of the SDGs and turned them into our own ambitious goals. Naturally, this applies to the whole company and it is a part of our green strategy. With a common effort, we believe that our goals are realistic and attainable.

If you keep reading, you will learn more about which goals we have selected and how we are working to realise them.

Learn more about the UN’s SDGs

Part of the sustainability movement

BabyDan works with with goals 7, 12 and 14 as we know that we can make a difference and be part of the sustainability movement.

BabyDan & sustainability

We are working with goals 7, 12, and 14

BabyDan has prepared goals and a 10-year action plan based on the UN’s SDGs. We have decided to work with goals 7, 12 and 14.

Goal 12 is about “Responsible Consumption and Production”, Goal 7 is about “Affordable and Clean Energy” and Goal 14 is about “Life Below Water”. BabyDan has decided to focus on these three SDGs as we know that this is where we can make a real difference.

As a production company, we are aware that we use a lot of energy and a lot of resources, and we are also aware that this means that we have a responsibility to reduce pollution.

We have identified many opportunities for reducing our environmental footprint, and all of the initiatives, both large and small, make a difference in the long run. That is precisely why we are working with the UN’s SDGs, as that helps us work towards a sustainable development.

SDG number 7 “Affordable and Clean Energy”

Today, most energy comes from fossil fuels such as oil and gas. A global economy that relies on fossil fuels increases the CO2 emissions to our atmosphere and create drastic climate changes.

The effects of a changing climate impact all life, from plants to animals to humans. We need to start using cleaner sources of energy.

Under SDG 7, we at BabyDan are focusing on target 7.2, which is about increasing the global share of renewable energy. We are investing in renewable energy by using 100% climate-friendly electricity from Danish wind turbines, and we use LED lighting throughout our production facilities.

By closely monitoring our consumption and informing our employees of the results, we are attempting to minimise CO2 emissions throughout our organisation.

We here at BabyDan have achieved a noticeable reduction in our use of electricity by increasing our in-house production, using less transportation and selecting materials with a lower carbon footprint.

We have specified new targets for the energy optimisation of buildings and in our processes. For us, it is all about reducing our consumption and our emission of greenhouse gases.

SDG number 12, “Responsible Consumption and Production”

Via our massive consumption, we humans have really begun to have an impact on the world’s resources. Therefore, we need to recycle as much as possible and to create sustainable consumer habits.

Goal 12 is about responsible consumption, and the goal here is to reduce our waste, reduce our purchases and become better at recycling.

As a manufacturing company, it is our job to ensure that there is actually a need for the products that we make and that the need is in line with the consumption of resources.

Production and transportation processes can also harm the environment. We have a great responsibility to pay attention to how we are impacting our environment, both locally and globally.


BabyDan is motivated by UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. We want to be a part of the solution of bringing the world on the right track by using sustainable products and production.


Target 12.2

Under Goal 12, BabyDan is focusing on target 12.2, which is about reaching a state where we use and manage natural resources sustainably.

BabyDan is an FSC certified company. We ensure that our wood is not coming from endangered areas, that it has an FSC label or that it is made from recycled materials.

Bio-based products are also being worked on in our factory in Denmark. Bioplastics have a smaller carbon footprint than conventional plastics, as they use renewable rather than non-renewable resources.

Among other things, our new goal is to produce more plastic products in Denmark, as that allows us to have more control over environmental and social issues and also means a smaller carbon footprint from transportation.

Read more about Cradle to Cradle

Target 12.4

BabyDan is also working with target 12.4, which is about handling chemicals and waste products in a responsible manner. At BabyDan, we want to be at the forefront when it comes to ensuring that products are made without harming the environment or people.

Besides having chemical workplace assessment processes, which ensure that we are working with chemicals correctly and responsibly, we have also made the guidelines for the use of dangerous substances stricter.

All of BabyDan’s plastic products are free of hormone-disrupting and carcinogenic substances such as bisphenol A, PVC and phthalates. We only use formaldehyde that contains no glue.

Metal powder paints are free of TGIC and epoxy, and we only use water-based paints. We continue to work on using fewer and greener chemicals and we are increasing our documentation for substances via chemical tests and tests for the emission of gases.

Target 12.5

BabyDan is also working with target 12.5, which is focusing on the reduction of waste products. This means that we at BabyDan design our products in such a manner that they can be separated so that components can be sorted and recycled.

At BabyDan, all waste is sorted and, as far as possible, recycled or reused. We do not emit wastewater in our production, and we reuse the water in a closed lifecycle. Plastics from purchases and production waste are granulated and reused directly in our production. 

BD Plastics and the reduction of waste in production processes

Goal 14 “Life at Sea”

Life at sea is far more important than you might initially think. Approximately half of the world’s oxygen comes from algae, and fish caught at sea provide food to approximately three billion people.

Besides the marine life, the oceans also capture much of the CO2 emitted by us humans. This means that the oceans help to slow down climate change.

The warming seas result in more powerful storms and greater CO2 contents, which are harmful to coral reefs and shellfish. If we manage to significantly reduce our CO2 emissions and reduce pollution at sea, the coral reefs will have a chance at survival.

What we really need is to stop pollution from land-based activities, including our waste and use of fertilisers. This is precisely why we at BabyDan are focusing on this specific SDG.


Target 14.1

Under goal 14, BabyDan is focusing on target 14.1, which is about the need to reduce the pollution that goes into our oceans. BabyDan has joined the environmental initiative called ‘Operation Clean Sweep’.

As a member of ‘Clean Sweep’, we are continually improving our waste management processes and our procedures for reusing and recycling waste.

Controlling our plastic waste is a critical factor in avoiding the emission of micro plastics into our ecosystems. Therefore, we would like to inspire others to help with our efforts and ensure that waste is cleaned up and sorted.

Read more about Operation Clean Sweep

